Word Prosodic Systems and Prosodic Change
How do the grammars for calculating word-level prominence (stress, accent, tone) function, what types of such grammars can exist, and how do they change diachronically?
Towards a Dynamics of Prosodic Change: Computational and Corpus-Based Studies in the Synchronic and Diachronic Prosodic Phonology of Indic, Greek, and Germanic. Habilitationsschrift, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
Towards a Prosodic History of Indic: A Parametric Analysis of the “Classical Sanskrit Stress
Rule”. In D. Goldstein, S. Jamison, and T. Yates (eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual UCLA
Indo-European Conference, 157–82. Bremen: Buske Verlag.
In Revision
with Dieter Gunkel. On the Representation and Realization of the Ancient Greek Acute: Evidence from Tone-Tune Mappings in Ancient Greek Music.
Please contact me for a draft!
2023 (Presentation)
An Updated Treatment of Recessive Accentuation in Attic-Ionic Greek: Optimizing the Golstonian Analysis. 42nd East Coast Indo-European Conference, 23 June 2023.